Corrigendum to "Minimal cyclic codes of length pnq" [Finite Fields and Their Applications 9 (4) (2003) 432-448]

On p. 447 of our paper ‘Minimal cyclic codes of length pnq’ (Finite Fields Appl. 9 (4) (2003) 432– 448), there is an error in calculating the minimum distance of the code Ci . The lines 11–15 on p. 447 should read as follows: Let Ci be the code of length pn−iq generated by g(x)= (xpq−1)(1+xp +· · ·+x(p−1)p ). The minimum distance di of Ci is at most 4, as the codeword g(x)(x− 1)= (xpq − 1)(xp − 1)= xp n−i−1(p+q) − xpq − xp + 1 in Ci has weight 4. By Lemma 10, Ĉi , the code of length pnq, generated by (x pq−1) M(p )(x)M(ap )(x) is a repetition code of Ci repeated pi times and its minimum distance is di pi .