A Modified Markowitz Multi-Period Dynamic Portfolio Selection Model Based on the LDIW-PSO

Modern financial market is an extremely complicated nonlinear system, while gaming and speculation in the market makes the returns and risks of financial assets a great deal of uncertainty. How to construct an effective portfolio, realize the maximization of portfolio returns and the minimization of risks, and optimize the investment capital allocation efficiency are becoming increasingly a hot topic. This paper discusses a revised Markowitz Multi-period Dynamic portfolio mode by introducing LDIW-PSO in the process of solving the optimal investment weight. The LDIW-PSO has greatly improved the efficiency of searching the optimal weight of the portfolio. In addition, this paper introduces exponential-revised Sharpe ratio (Ex-Sharpe) as the objective function and adopts the optimal variance bound to reflect the real risk preferences of the investors in the financial markets better and modify covariance estimation errors of Mean-Variance model. The empirical study results show that the LDIW-PSO is very suitable for solving the dynamic portfolio model, and the exponential-revised Sharpe ratio can reflect financial market investment situation accurately and avoid covariance errors effectively.