Different Modes of Development and Change in Educational Settings Mediated by Information and Communication Technology

This paper presents an analysis of different modes of development and changes in educational settings mediated by information and communication technology (ICT). Our theoretical and analytical framework draws primarily on Activity Theory and Engestrom's further development of this theory (Engestrom, 1987; Engestrom, 1996, Engestrom, 1999). Initially we present the framework through a theoretical investigation and interpretation of activity theory. Thereafter three cases from the project 'Pedagogical Application of IT at Grammar-School Level' 1 are analysed in terms of the developed framework to suggest the analytical potential of the analytical tools and to shed light on different levels of development and change within the concrete cases. On the basis of the findings from our analysis, we conclude the paper by evaluating the analytical potential of the proposed framework and by discussing the level of development and change displayed in the various cases.