A new facility to enhance Australian GPS-geodetic research

The Australian Research Council recently awarded a grant to a consortium of five Australian universities to purchase ten geodetic-quality GPS receivers and peripherals. This cooperative approach will enhance new and existing GPS-geodetic research opportunities for Australian academic geodesists. These research projects include the monitoring of deformation of man-made structures and natural features, global and regional plate tectonics, measurement of sea-level change, mapping of Antarctic ice sheets and their flow, sounding of the Earth's atmosphere, and experiments in kinematic and rapid-static GPS-geodesy.

[1]  Y. Bock,et al.  A Zero Order GPS Network for the Australian Region , 1996 .

[2]  P. Tregoning,et al.  Monitoring Isostatic Rebound in Antarctica with the Use of Continuous Remote GPS Observations , 1999, GPS Solutions.

[3]  N. Young,et al.  Comparison of ERS satellite radar altimeter heights with GPS-derived heights on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica , 1998, Annals of Glaciology.

[4]  Chris Rizos,et al.  Permanent Automatic Low-Cost GPS Deformation Monitoring Systems: Error Mitigation Strategies and System Architecture , 1997 .

[5]  Shaowei Han Ambiguity Recovery for Long‐Range GPS Kinematic Positioning , 1997 .

[6]  Paul Tregoning,et al.  Motion of the South Bismarck Plate, Papua New Guinea , 1999 .

[7]  C. Rizos,et al.  Sea Surface Determination Using Long-Range Kinematic GPS Positioning and Laser Airborne Depth Sounder Techniques , 1999 .

[9]  John A. Church,et al.  A southern hemisphere verification for the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter mission , 1994 .

[10]  Shaowei Han,et al.  A long-range dynamic GPS positioning system and its test results , 1996, Proceedings of Position, Location and Navigation Symposium - PLANS '96.

[11]  Chris Rizos,et al.  Permanent Automatic GPS Deformation Monitoring Systems: A Review of System Architecture and Data Processing Strategies , 1998 .

[12]  Jinling Wang,et al.  A discrimination test procedure for ambiguity resolution on-the-fly , 1998 .

[13]  Richard Coleman Geodesy in Australia, National Report 1995-1999 , 1995 .

[14]  Shaowei Han,et al.  Quality-control issues relating to instantaneous ambiguity resolution for real-time GPS kinematic positioning , 1996 .

[15]  Jinling Wang,et al.  Kinematic GPS Positioning with Adaptive Kalman Filtering Techniques , 1998 .

[16]  G. Hamilton,et al.  First point measurements of ice-sheet thickness change in Antarctica , 1998, Annals of Glaciology.

[17]  Chris Rizos,et al.  Real-Time Failure Detection and Repair in Ionospheric Delay Estimation Using GPS by Robust and Conventional Kalman Filter State Estimates , 1998 .

[18]  Chris Rizos,et al.  GPS Network Design and Error Mitigation for Real-Time Continuous Array Monitoring Systems , 1996 .

[19]  Shaowei Han Ambiguity Recovery for GPS Long Range Kinematic Positioning , 1995 .

[20]  Minghai Jia,et al.  A Reweighted Filtering Algorithm and Its Application to Open Pit Deformation Monitoring , 1998 .

[21]  K. Lambeck,et al.  Present‐day crustal motion in the Solomon Islands from GPS observations , 1998 .

[22]  Christopher Watson,et al.  The Batman Bridge: Structural Monitoring using GPS , 1998 .

[23]  C. Rizos,et al.  Testing High-Accuracy, Long-Range Carrier Phase DGPS in Australasia , 1996 .

[24]  K. Lambeck,et al.  Estimation of current plate motions in Papua New Guinea from Global Positioning System observations , 1998 .

[25]  Will Featherstone,et al.  The Global Positioning System (GPS) and its use in geophysical exploration , 1995 .

[26]  Paul Tregoning,et al.  Accuracy of absolute precipitable water vapor estimates from GPS observations , 1998 .

[27]  W. Featherstone,et al.  An evaluation of some stop-and-go kinematic GPS survey options , 1995 .

[28]  Xiaoli Ding,et al.  Technique for precise measurement of large-scale silos and tanks , 1996 .

[29]  Michael Stewart,et al.  A GPS software package for ground deformation monitoring , 1995 .

[30]  Chris Rizos,et al.  Positioning Systems in Intelligent Transportation Systems , 1997 .


[32]  Chris Rizos,et al.  An Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution Technique for Medium-Range GPS Kinematic Positioning , 1997 .


[34]  K. Lambeck,et al.  Estimates of present‐day glacial rebound in the Lambert Glacier Region, Antarctica , 1999 .