The Core Language Engine

Introduction to the CLE, Hiyan Alshawi and Robert C. Moore - language analysis and interpretation, overview of CLE components logical forms, Jan van Eijck and Hiyan Alshawi - levels of logical form in the CLE, resolved logical form, quasi logical form categories and rules, Hiyan Alshawi - constraints, components and rules, categories for linguistic analysis, CLE categories, category unification and subsumption, Boolean expression feature values, feature sets, defaults and macros, internal category representation, grammar rules, syntax and morphology rules, semantic rules, lexical entries unification-based syntactic analysis, Stephen G. Pulman - theoretical background, subcategorization, start categories, sentence types, subject-auxilliary inversion, unbounded dependencies, passives, conjunctions semantic rules for English, Jan van Eijck and Robert C. Moore - semantic rules and sences, general principles of the CLE semantics, the semantics of specific constructions lexical analysis, David Carter - tokenizing the input, segmenting the tokens, recovering from unknown tokens syntactic and semantic processing, Robert C. Moore and Hiyan Alshawi - parsing, semantic analysis, morphological processing, ambiguities and packing quantifier scoping, Douglas B. Moran and Fernando C.N. Pereira - quantifier scoping problem, scoping rules and references, the scoping algorithm, refinements to the basic algorithm, implementation sortal restrictions, Hiyan Alshawi and David Carter - applying sortal restrictions, encoding sorts as terms, the external representation of sorts, specifying the sort hierarchy, developments resolving quasi logical forms, Hiyan Alshawi - deriving LFs from QLFs, anaphoric terms, context model, constraints on resolved LFs, anaphoric relations and formulae, further work on QLF resolution lexical acquisition, David Carter - strategy adopted, assumptions behind the strategy eliciting syntactic behaviour and semantic informtion, incorporating new entries, the core lexicon the CLE in application development, Arnold Smith - linguistic applications, model-based systems, the LF-Prolog query evaluator, the order-processing exemplar, extending the interface, new directions ellipsis, comparatives and generation, Hiyan Alshawi and Stephen G. Pulman Swedish-English QLF translation, Hiyan Alshawi, et al - the Swedish CLE, QLF-based translation, disambiguation and interaction.