Measuring entrepreneurial orientation of university students

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the measurement of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in the student population of different academic programmes, in order to enhance entrepreneurship‐related procedures within universities.Design/methodology/approach – A survey‐based tool for measuring EO is presented and used in one university. The answers are explored using statistical methods.Findings – The results show that the survey provides the user with adequate data about EO within student groups. They also demonstrate that while entrepreneurial desire differs between academic programmes, actual EO results do not.Practical implications – In the paper it is suggested that the new information can be used for developing entrepreneurial courses as well as student selection procedures. Some modifications for the survey, as well as initiation of a wider research programme, are also proposed.Originality/value – The paper uses a traditional survey for EO in a novel setting, amongst university students. The...

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