The Integration of Theory and Practice

On Public Administration courses at all levels the integration of theory and practice represents a major teaching challenge. Apart from in-service students on part-time courses the bulk of Public Administration students come straight from school with few, if any, insights into administrative processes in the public sector. On Public Administration degree courses students invariably study a broad range of courses with a 'core' in administrative theory and practice, but contact with the 'real' world of public administration is usually restricted to the one-year practical training period. This can be very valuable, with students obtaining experience of administrative practice at fIrst hand. The end of the placement however, often sees an abrupt end to contact with the 'fIeld' as the pressure of fInal examinations pushes students into the library/classroom environment once again. Given the constraints, what ways are there for securing a more effective integration of theory and practice on full time Public Administration degree courses?