Chemical Constituents of Cowry (Cyparica samplomoneta)

Perforated cowry shells (Cyparica samplometa) were tested for the presence of certain phytochemicals, minerals Proximate analysis were also determined. Cowry shells (dry weight) showed the presence of Alkaloid, Cardiac glycosides, Tannins and quinones. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of Calcium (91.35±0.45 mgl100g) and Iron (47.52±0.02 mg/100g) as well as Aluminum and Sodium in considerable quantities. Proximate analysis showed that it contained moisture content (0.22%), Ash content (76.30%), Crude fibre (7.27%), Crude protein (5.10%) carbohydrate (14.13%) and Crude fat (0.42%). The presence of some important phytochemicals and calcium in highest quantity explains the action of the cowry shells encountered in therapeutic uses and their involvement in pharmaceutical product. The extraction of bioactive agent of cowries shell is one of the most intensive area of natural product research.