Hand Rehabilitation Assist Robot Designed with Assistance for Thumb Opposability

拇 指 対 向運 動 を支 援 す る ハ ン ドリハ ビ リ支 援 ロボ ッ トの設 計 と動 作評 価* 川 〓 晴 久*1, 伊 藤 聡*2, 石 榑 康 彦*3 西 本 裕*4, 青 木 隆 明*4, 安 倍 基 幸*5 栄 枝 裕 文*6, 小 鹿 丈 夫*3 毛 利 哲 也*7, 上 木 論*2 Hand Rehabilitation Assist Robot Designed with Assistance for Thumb Opposability Haruhisa KAWASAKI", Satoshi ITO, Yasuhiko ISHIGURE, Yutaka NISHIMOTO, Takaaki AOKI, Motoyuki ABE, Hirohumi SAKAEDA, Takeo OJIKA, Tetuya MOURI and Satoshi UEKI *8 Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu-shi, Gifu, 501-1193 Japan This paper presents a new hand motion assist robot for rehabilitation therapy. The robot is an exoskeleton with 18 DOFs and a self-motion control, which allows the impaired hand of a patient to be driven by his or her healthy hand on the opposite side. To provide such potential that the impaired hand is able to recover its ability to the level of a functional hand, the hand motion assist robot is designed to support the flexion/extension and abduction/adduction motions of fingers and thumb independently as well as the opposability of the thumb. Moreover, it is designed to support a combination motion of the hand and the wrist. The design specifications and experimental results are shown.