Abs t rac t . A binary stream cipher, known as A5, consisting of three short LFSRs of total length 64 that are mutually clocked in the stop/go manner is cryptanalyzed. It is allegedly used in the GSM standard for digital cellular mobile telephones. Very short keystream sequences are generated from different initial states obtained by combining a 64-bit secret session key and a known 22-bit public key. A basic divide-and-conquer attack recovering the unknown initial state from a known keystream sequence is first introduced. It exploits the specific clocking rule used and has average computational complexity around 240. A time-memory trade-off attack based on the birthday paradox which yields the unknown internal state at a known time for a known keystream sequence is then pointed out. The attack is successful if T . M > 2633.32, where T and M are the required computational time and memory (in 128-bit words), respectively. The precomputation time is O ( M ) and the required number of known keystream sequences generated from different public keys is about T/102. For example, one can choose T x 227.67 and M =: 235.65. To obtain the secret session key from the determined internal state, a so-called internal state reversion attack is proposed and analyzed by the theory of critical and subcritical branching processes.
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The Theory of Branching Processes.
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Towards Fast Correlation Attacks on Irregularly Clocked Shift Registers
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Linear Models for Keystream Generators
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On the Security of Nonlinear Filter Generators
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[서평]「Applied Cryptography」
Jovan Dj. Golic,et al.
Cryptanalysis of Alleged A5 Stream Cipher
Ed Dawson,et al.
Generalized Inversion Attack on Nonlinear Filter Generators
IEEE Trans. Computers.