Getting Started with JDM Web Services
This chapter uses code examples to explain the use of Java Data Mining Web services (JDMWS), and explores a Web service client in PHP to perform product recommendation. The chapter depicts a typical PHP application architecture and the process of connecting to Web service providers, wherein PHP is used to write a Web page accessible by a call center representative processing incoming calls. The chapter also looks at the Web service client in Java that demonstrates how to use Axis to generate Java classes and provides a source code for a variety of uses. This chapter reveals that tools exist to translate the JDM WSDL into structures integrated in both client environments (PHP or Java), allowing very fast development of such clients. The availability of JDMWS should open the path for integration of data mining into business processes frameworks. This chapter uses the Apache Axis framework for two reasons: it demonstrates that the WSDL provided with JDM is compatible with the current version of this framework, and this framework is widely used and provided under open source.