Edinburgh Research Explorer Redefine statistical significance

Citation for published version: Benjamin, DJ, Berger, JO, Johannesson, M, Nosek, BA, Wagenmakers, E-J, Berk, R, Bollen, KA, Brembs, B, Brown, L, Camerer, C, Cesarini, D, Chambers, CD, Clyde, M, Cook, TD, De Boeck, P, Dienes, Z, Dreber, A, Easwaran, K, Efferson, C, Fehr, E, Fidler, F, Field, AP, Forster, M, George, EI, Gonzalez, R, Goodman, S, Green, E, Green, DP, Greenwald, AG, Hadfield, JD, Hedges, LV, Held, L, Hua Ho, T, Hoijtink, H, Hruschka, DJ, Imai, K, Imbens, G, Ioannidis, JPA, Jeon, M, Jones, JH, Kirchler, M, Laibson, D, List, J, Little, R, Lupia, A, Machery, E, Maxwell, SE, McCarthy, M, Moore, DA, Morgan, SL, Munafó, M, Nakagawa, S, Nyhan, B, Parker, TH, Pericchi, L, Perugini, M, Rouder, J, Rousseau, J, Savalei, V, Schönbrodt, FD, Sellke, T, Sinclair, B, Tingley, D, Van Zandt, T, Vazire, S, Watts, DJ, Winship, C, Wolpert, RL, Xie, Y, Young, C, Zinman, J & Johnson, VE 2018, 'Redefine statistical significance', Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-017-0189-z

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