Summary of Laboratory Tests to Assess Mechanical Properties of Permeable Pavement Materials

This technical memorandum presents a summary of the methods and results related to an assessment of the mechanical properties of fully permeable pavements. Test results indicate that the aggregate particle size distribution in the mix, and the binder type will be the two most critical factors in designing permeable asphalt concrete wearing courses. Sufficient permeability for anticipated needs in California was obtained on a range of mixes tested. Adequate resistance to rutting of the surface material will probably be obtained on thinner designs provided there is adequate support from underlying layers. Some moisture sensitivity was evident, but this can be overcome by the use of appropriate anti-strip mechanisms. Most of the mixes of interest had adequate durability (resistance to raveling) compared to the dense-graded control. Flexural stiffness and fatigue cracking resistance of the various mixes are still under investigation and will be discussed in the final report.