Response of Maize to Different Levels of Zeolite and Nitrogen and Evaluation of Soil Chemical Properties as Influenced by Different Levels of Zeolite and Nitrogen

A pot study was conducted during kharif, 2018-19 in College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, with the aim to evaluate the response of maize to different levels of zeolite and nitrogen and to know the influence of zeolite on selected soil properties. The treatments consists of combinations of 3 levels of nitrogen (100, 150, 200 kg ha -1 ) and 4 levels of zeolite (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 t ha) along with a control in which only P and K were applied and they were replicated thrice in a factorial completely randomized design. Results indicated that application of zeolite (7.5 t ha) and nitrogen (200 kg ha) individually had significant effect on N, P, K contents in maize at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest. N and P contents in maize was significantly higher in N200Z7.5 Original Research Article Ravali et al.; CJAST, 39(38): 1-13, 2020; Article no.CJAST.63376 2 (Nitrogen @ 200 kg ha + Zeolite @ 7.5 t ha) however, there was no significant interaction with respect to K content. At harvest, the available P and K were significantly higher in the treatment receiving N100Z7.5.