Period Batch Control - A Production Planning System Applied to Virtual Manufacturing Cells

Period Batch Control (PBC) system has been known for its implementation with the classical group technology (GT) cells, and it has been known for its simplicity. The main production planning decisions concern the choice of the period length and the stage number and contents. Also, in order to better integrate the production planning with the application of GT cells at the shop floor, the concept of virtual manufacturing cells has been applied. Since virtual cells configurations are changing periodically, a model for implementing the PBC system into virtual manufacturing cells environment is developed. The model enables alignment of the PBC principles and rules with virtual cell design goals. Model is tested on the case study of furniture production. With the use of scheduling software, different scheduling rules were simulated for four production weeks. The experimental results from these for production weeks show how the choice of PBC parameters impacts the virtual cells configurations, machine sharing and utilization. (Received in July 2015, accepted in December 2015. This paper was with the authors 1 month for 1 revision.)

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