Phase space approach to nuclear dynamics
The contents reflect the aim of the organizers to bring together scientists working on nuclear collective motion and related subjects with particular emphasis on the dynamics in the one-body phase space. New developments in nuclear dynamics are discussed on dissipation and collision terms in kinetic equations, fluid dynamics, nuclear thermodynamics and coherent states. The main part of these theoretical activities are motivated by new experimental results from existing heavy-ion accelerators like the UNILAC at GSI Darmstadt, GANIL at Caen, the superconducting cyclotron at MSU East Lansing and the SUPERHILAC-BEVALAC at Berkeley. With increasing energy, effects from Pauli blocking and the mean field are less important, while the mean free path of nucleons decrease because of increasing probability of two-body collisions. Instabilities of nuclear matter at high excitation energies are encountered in such complex nucleus-nucleus collisions and are discussed in the contents.