Partial order reduction for state/event LTL with application to component-interaction automata

Software systems assembled from a large number of autonomous components become an interesting target for formal verification due to the issue of correct interplay in component interaction. State/event LTL (Chaki et al. (2004, 2005) [1,2]) incorporates both states and events to express important properties of component-based software systems. The main contribution of this paper is a partial order reduction technique for verification of state/event LTL properties. The core of the partial order reduction is a novel notion of stuttering equivalence which we call state/event stuttering equivalence. The positive attribute of the equivalence is that it can be resolved with existing methods for partial order reduction. State/event LTL properties are, in general, not preserved under state/event stuttering equivalence. To this end we define a new logic, called weak state/event LTL, which is invariant under the new equivalence. To bring some evidence of the method's efficiency, we present some of the results obtained by employing the partial order reduction technique within our tool for verification of component-based systems modelled using the formalism of component-interaction automata (Brim et al. (2005) [3]).

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