Pronominalization, Negation, and the Analysis of Adverbs
Pronominalization, Negation, and the Analysis of Adverbs‘ GEORGE LAKOFF I 1: (rod mrliun Slmlie,-.- in Irzuusfurzmnimml grzmmmr have txxado it (’h’;Hq that ilw 9,-;rmxn:x'1Mi4'ul .Iu.al_\.~i.~, uf .~«-nlmm-.-4 mum be mrrim! an a! nu; iw\.¢'l.~s, dmp zmmrmw and ~uriLm- .~U‘m‘tUI'tt. Thv :~uriluw MI”l|ll,'U,Ilq¢5 «of u 2s¢“Hlt,'Hi'(' is roughly mwimlwm lu ilx,:, in lrudnimuxl ta-rum, The micwp .»‘H’uvmx'ct its xmm: abnir‘*a«.'l. H n'Hm‘l.~ lhr Jugit‘ uf thv .-mm-nu-v, mltihiiiny, uni)’ «.rl¢un«'*.x1mr_v gruu:uin.;uiml n'l.1|iung. And in all :'.;m~.~,», [ha «Imp esxruvlurr mntuims mane 4-lmxxcruma than due-~ Ihr r«-laliwl) abhzmiatmi 2-su1rl}m*, form M the: mfIl!vl‘,n(,7t.q. In mum, «in.-I» sn'uvlun- v. ill rwu mmain full nmncexu,-ms that do not appear um .~,¢mm1«rm in ~ur1'.m- .-lrm'l1m.*. For a-xuxnpiv, (flluxmky (19.57 and [(M5) has mrMu«~d Um! .mrlbuliw iidjw‘li\.t*u mm: dwrinrd from full M5*lIltm(‘¢t?a in dwp mumum. q'Hn- tall mam lvftq would mum the wnlum: qthe: man is tallq in it» alcwp .~lruvlun—*. «wen thuugh this zmm::m* dm*:a nu! ap§mux“ an gs uluurm in raurfam: alrurluree. if (}h(:Iz1.~.l-._w'za arguxmsnm are w;»r1'mq:t. and I imiieew they axrn, mm Nu-rs‘ in an mm: dump nalructurx: amm.'xu‘n fur awry gmribuziw m5»g.~y:m~ that amwurn in wrikmr 1-irm‘lunr. In sum: fuumw I Mil mqguv shut Hw \[.anasL.~ in lrmr uf with:-r (ax) H-ruin suiwrbiai rno«1i§“'mrz-5, in pamirukzr, tinw mu.,§ flgmv adwrbiais, ur (b) ncgatis‘¢es, or ((3) bath. 1. Prouomirmlization Sim,-e the im:-epl'ugx’: uf lmxmforxlxatimxal atudism of pruxmxnimxiixmSanta” 3% mm been assumccd that anaphnric pmnouxm do not umrux“ in m:d¢:ri}ni:qa§g _~atrmiumm; rather, they are dcriwd by trarxsfommtiuri {mm the’: {M3 xmun 1')h!q«‘Ll::W.t-a an wkaim they rcfcr. For emxxlple, it has hem: awulllztd that {E} is dmrflwd {mm {;Z§: (1) The man who John hlwwx shaved Iulrusefl £2) The me» win: John know: shavmi due Hum wiw Jliiflfl Iiarwms. 3 The ma occurrem.:«::s M qthe rmm who Juhn know2§’ in {2} art: ammmoeaxji My refer to the same inriividuafi W33 will refer ix) Hm view that praanozxurwiimiiwm is 3 syntactic pmccss aw Amumgnima 1. man” » fififi