Development of Multi-Channel Data Logger for Indoor Environment

Environment monitoring has become a necessity because of global warming and climate change. All across the globe researchers are trying to monitor the environmental parameters of temperature, humidity and pollutants gases mere precisely in real time. Sensing system using sensor arrays has been developed to monitor indoor environment, however, these systems are costly and have not gained wide acceptance. Precise monitoring of building environment has a huge potential in terms of energy savings. In this paper, an effort has been made to develop a 4-channel energy efficient and low cost data logger for indoor environment. The Data logger is proposed to be developed with the use of PIC 18F4458. Real Time Clock and EEPROM are interfaced for sampled data with the instance of sampling time and month/date/year; these sampled data will be stored in the EEPROM to the note pad tabular form with the help of graphical user interface (GUI).