Passive radiation detection systems have been developed to screen passengers, vehicles, and cargo for illicit radioactive sources by measuring gamma and neutron signatures with separate, specialized sensors. The paper introduces a novel concept combining neutron and gamma sensing in a single detector, thus reducing the overall expense. Low-cost converter media capture thermal neutrons and commute neutron flux in energetic gammas, which are then detected by a common gamma detector. Energy signals above 3 MeV indicate the neutron captures. Two prototype systems are presented: (1) The NCD-BGO, a segmented 655 ml BGO scintillator with embedded Cd absorber, demonstrated an intrinsic thermal-neutron detection efficiency of about 50%. (2) The PVTNG, comprising 75 l of PVT scintillator complemented with PVC panels, exhibited a neutron sensitivity of 1.9 cps/ng of 252Cf, thus almost meeting the corresponding requirement for Radiation Portal Monitors. Moreover, an unconventional construction of scintillator and light readout, combined with innovative electronics and proper detector stabilization, improved the gamma detector performance noticeably and enabled nuclide identification.
Yong Kong,et al.
Neutron detection by measuring capture gammas in a calorimetric approach
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference.
R.J. McConn,et al.
Passive neutron detection at borders
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
Richard T. Kouzes,et al.
Neutron Detector Gamma Insensitivity Criteria
Yong Kong,et al.
Neutron detection by measuring capture gammas in a calorimetric approach
Yong Kong,et al.
Characterization and calibration of large-volume PVT detectors by Backscatter Gating
2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
Dean James Mitchell,et al.
Neutron Counting and Gamma Spectroscopy with PVT Detectors
Lee T. Harding,et al.
Neutron Detection With Gamma-Ray Spectrometers for Border Security Applications
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
G. Knoll.
Radiation detection and measurement