The 3?1 and ?1 + 3?3 - ?2 Absorption Bands of 16O3
Using a high-pressure × path length sample of ozone it has been possible to record at high resolution (0.006 cm−1) the 3-μm absorption region of this molecule. A thorough analysis of the spectra has been performed allowing one to assign for the first time the 3ν1 band of 16O3. Also, during the course of the analysis it became clear that, in this spectral region, another band almost as strong as 3ν1 was absorbing: it is the ν1 + 3ν3 − ν2 hot band. The (300) rotational levels were reproduced together with the (003), (102), and (201) ones [J. Mol. Spectrosc.141, 134-144 (1990)] using a Hamiltonian matrix which takes explicitly into account the Darling-Dennison and the Coriolis interaction terms affecting the levels. The band centers ν0(3ν3) = 3046.0878, ν0(ν1 + 2ν3) = 3083.7030, ν0(2ν1 + ν3) = 3186.4110, and ν0(3ν1) = 3289.9297 cm−1 were derived as well as precise rotational and coupling constants. Line intensities were also measured for 3ν1 as well as for ν1 + 3ν3 − ν2 and were reproduced with suitable transition moment operators. Finally a complete line list of the bands of 16O3 absorbing around 3 μm has been generated.