Some Thoughts on Measuring Earthquake Deformation Using Optical Imagery

Optical imagery has been proven to be an effective tool for measuring earthquake deformation in continental regions since its first application in the 1999 Izmit earthquake. In this article, we compile and analyze all the earthquakes that have been investigated with optical image matching by 2019, based on which we comment on various issues regarding measuring earthquake deformation with optical imagery. New generations of very high-resolution (VHR) data are effective for earthquake studies, but orthorectification of the VHR images is the major source of error, which is often ignored. We found that the displacements derived from the WorldView images strongly correlate with the errors in the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) that was used in orthorectification. Based on the observed correlation between displacements and topography, we propose a new DEM-based method using the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) World 3-D DEM to reduce the orthorectification errors. Combining the published optical data of earthquake deformation, we re-analyze the coseismic slip distribution and shallow slip deficit (SSD). The SSD model states that the coseismic slip in many strike-slip earthquakes decreases in magnitude toward the surface, but this model remains arguable because the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-derived slip is usually not well-constrained at shallow depths due to decorrelation. Because optical matching directly measures the surface slip, we re-examine the slip distribution of 11 strike-slip earthquakes and find that the SSD model may primarily be artifacts in the InSAR measurements. It is therefore of great importance to include the optical data in earthquake studies to constrain coseismic slip inversions.

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