Preface to Extended Papers from the 13th Microcoll Conference
The Microcoll conference (Colloquium on Microwave Communications) was started by academician Geza Bognar in 1959 to offer a meeting forum for scientist from the West and East. Since 1962 it was organized regularly in every fourth year with two exceptions. Microcoll was the second international microwave conference after IMS (International Microwave Symposium) all over the World. Microcoll conferences covered every aspects of microwave communications, e.g. microwave and electronic circuitry, electromagnetic wave propagation, system engineering, measurement techniques, computer aided design, link control and management, etc. The papers were regularly published in the Microcoll Conference Proceedings. Many well-known scientists participated in the Microcoll conferences both from the East and West before and after the political changes in East Europe. The meetings had technical support from Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), European Microwave Association (EMA) and Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The 13th Microcoll was held as a Workshop in July, 2015 at Budapest, Hungary. The speakers were offered to submit an extended version of their talk for publication in the Periodica Polytechnica of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The papers were reviewed by 3 members of the review board which had the following experts.