Gallium Arsenide Technology in Europe
1 The Importance of GaAs Technology in Europe.- 2 Impact on Major Community Applications.- 2.1 Satellite Communication.- 2.2 Mobile Millimetre-wave Communication.- 2.3 Airport Surveillance Radar.- 2.4 Mobile Communication.- 2.5 Direct Broadcasting TV.- 2.6 Point to Multipoint Communication.- 2.7 Optical Communication.- 3 Enabling Technologies.- 3.1 Advanced HFETs and Pseudomorphic HFETs.- 3.2 Advanced HBTs.- 3.3 Advanced GaAs MMIC Technology.- 3.4 High Throughput Multiwafer MOVPE Reactor.- 3.5 Epitaxy with "Safer-to-handle" Precursors.- 4 Modelling and Measurements.- 4.1 Reliability Evaluation.- 4.2 Forward and Reverse Engineering.- 4.3 On-wafer Noise Parameter Measurements.- 4.4 Noise Modelling in Semiconductor Devices.- 4.5 Non-linear Modelling.- 4.6 Power MESFET Modelling.- 4.7 Coplanar Waveguide Modelling.- 4.8 Planetary MOVPE Reactor Modelling.- 5 Future Aspects.- 5.1 Manufacturing Issues.- 5.2 New devices and Technologies.- 5.3 Nanoelectronics.- Appendix - List of ESPRIT Projects on GaAs.- Index of Contributors.