1 7. 1 Host-parasite reLationshrps ........... 1 7.2 Passiue deJences ... . . . . . . . . . PhgsicaL barriers.... ChemicaL barriers 1 7.3 Pathogen recognition .......... N ons p e cijic eLicito rs GenespeciJic elicttors .............. Suppresso r s and comp atibtLitg Jactor s PhgsioLogicaL roLe oJ eLicitors Eu olution oJ ho st-p ar as ite s p ecificitg 17.4 Rapid actiue deJences Chang e s in memb r ane Junction Ttte oxidatiue burst CeLL tuaLL reiryforcement ........... Hg per sensrtiue ceLL de ath PhgtoaLexins .. . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 DeLaged actiue deJences Pattngen containment and tuound repair P atho g e ne s is r eLqte d p r ote in s Systemic acqutred re sistance 1 7 . 6 The dgnamtcs and coordination oJ deJence responses........ 17.7 F\Lrther reading 263 266 266 268 269 270 271 271 272 273 274 274 274 274 276 278 281 281 282 283 284 285