Hands-on learning with portable electronics
Advances in technology have made possible the development of low-cost portable electronic instrumentation. Such instrumentation opens the door to new possibilities for hands-on pedagogy related to analog circuits and physics education. This workshop will introduce attendees to the Digilent Analog Discovery platform and pedagogies that have been developed for it. Attendees will see examples of and have opportunities to try activities that have been developed for undergraduate electrical engineering and high-school physics courses. All attendees will be given a memory stick that contains pedagogical materials and an opportunity to receive an Analog Discovery system free of charge.
[1] Robert W. Hendricks,et al. Lab-in-a-Box: Introductory Experiments in Electric Circuits (3/E) , 2009 .
[2] Maurice F. Aburdene. Analog-Circuit-Based Activities to Improve Introductory Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Courses , 2013 .
[3] Mario Simoni. Using Tablet PCs and Interactive Software in IC Design Courses to Improve Learning , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Education.