REARC-a Bangla Phoneme recognizer

The field of Information Technology has undergone an evolution in the past couple of decades and so has risen the need for development of better modes of interaction between the users and the electronic devices for exhaustive exploration of the world of IT with minimum hindrance. Speech can be one such mode of interaction as this has been the primary mode of communication since the advent of human civilization. Speech Recognition is the technique of identification of uttered words from voice signals. Every language is composed of an inventory of sounds called Phoneme set which makes up its entire vocabulary. Speech Recognition in Bangla is rather a complicated task due to the presence of compound characters and complex nature of the language itself. REARC (Record Extract Approximate Reduce Classify) is a Bangla Phoneme Recognition system which is designed to pave the way for a Bangla Speech Recognizer. At the outset, Mel Scale Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) features have been used for the system on a database of 3150 Bangla Vowel Phonemes and an accuracy of 98.22% has been obtained.