Influence of the type of oxidant on anion exchange properties of fibrous Cladophora cellulose/polypyrrole composites.

The electrochemically controlled anion absorption properties of a novel large surface area composite paper material composed of polypyrrole (PPy) and cellulose derived from Cladophora sp. algae, synthesized with two oxidizing agents, iron(III) chloride and phosphomolybdic acid (PMo), were analyzed in four different electrolytes containing anions (i.e., chloride, aspartate, glutamate, and p-toluenesulfonate) of varying size.The composites were characterized with scanning and transmission electron microscopy, N2 gas adsorption,and conductivity measurements. The potential-controlled ion exchange properties of the materials were studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry at varying potentials. The surface area and conductivity of the iron(III) chloride synthesized sample were 58.8 m2/g and 0.65 S/cm, respectively, while the corresponding values for the PMo synthesized sample were 31.3 m2/g and 0.12 S/cm. The number of absorbed ions per sample mass was found to be larger for the iron(III) chloride synthesized sample than for the PMo synthesized one in all four electrolytes. Although the largest extraction yields were obtained in the presence of the smallest anion (i.e., chloride) for both samples, the relative degree of extraction for the largest ions (i.e., glutamate and p-toluenesulfonate) was higher for the PMo sample. This clearly shows that it is possible to increase the extraction yield of large anions by carrying out the PPy polymerization in the presence of large anions. The results likewise show that high ion exchange capacities, as well as extraction and desorption rates, can be obtained for large anions with high surface area composites coated with relatively thin layers of PPy.