Simulation Model for Design of a New Power Supply

The simulation model for a new power supply of the injection bump system magnets [1]-[4] of the 3-GeV RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) in J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Complex) [5], [6] has been constructed. The new power supply requires the reduction of the ripple noise current which will resonate with load and excites a forced beam oscillation at 96 kHz in the injection stage. In order to incorporate the load impedance in the simulation model, the impedances of a feeder line and the bump magnet with a ceramic vacuum chamber [7] inside were measured. The RF shield is formed on the ceramic surface along the beam direction. The results were successfully analysed using the OPERA-3D [8] and the circuit simulation code, Micro-Cap [9], and showed a good agreement. It was found the RF shield of a ceramic chamber has a resonant structure corresponding to 96 kHz.