Cytoskeletal regulation of mitochondrial movements in myoblasts

Mitochondria are distributed in the cell to match the energy demands, and it is their interaction with the cytoskeleton that controls their movement and displacement. Our purpose was to determine which cytoskeletal components are primarily responsible for mitochondrial movement in muscle cells. Live‐cell imaging was used to visualize mitochondrial dynamics in myoblasts. Destabilization of microtubules (MT) reduced the total path length and average speed traveled by mitochondria by 64–74%, whereas actin disruption only reduced these variables by 37‐40%. Downregulation of the microtubule motor proteins, Kif5B and dynein, by siRNA resulted in decreases in the average speed of mitochondrial movements, by 30 to 40%. We observed a reduction in the average speed of mitochondrial movements (by 22 to 48%) under high calcium conditions. This attenuation in the presence of calcium was negated in cells pre‐treated with siRNA targeted to the microtubule motor protein adaptor, Milton, suggesting that Milton is involved in mediating mitochondrial arrest in the presence of high calcium within muscle cells. Thus, we have demonstrated that, in myoblasts, mitochondria primarily move along microtubules tracks with the aid of the motor proteins Kif5B and dynein, in a manner which is inhibited by calcium. These observations will eventually help us understand organelle movements in more complex muscle systems, such as mature myotubes subjected to elevated calcium levels and contractile activity. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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