Geological interpretation and seismic data analysis provide two complementary sources of information to model reservoir architecture. Seismic data affords the opportunity to identify geologic patterns and features at a resolution on the order of 10’s of feet, while well logs and conceptual geologic models provide information at a resolution on the order of one foot. Both the large-scale distribution of geologic features and their internal fine-scale architecture influence reservoir performance. Development and application of modeling techniques that incorporate both large-scale information derived from seismic and fine-scale information derived from well logs, cores, and analog studies represents a significant opportunity to improve reservoir performance predictions. In this paper we present a practical new geostatistical approach for solving this difficult data integration problem and apply it to an actual, prominent reservoir. Traditional geostatistics relies upon a variogram to describe geologic continuity. However, a variogram, which is a two-point measure of spatial variability, cannot describe realistic, curvilinear or geometrically complex patterns. Multiple-point geostatistics uses a training image instead of a variogram to account for geological information. The training image provides a conceptual description of the subsurface geological heterogeneity, containing possibly complex multiple-point patterns of geological heterogeneity. Multiple-point statistics simulation then consists of anchoring these patterns to well data and seismic-derived information. This work introduces a novel alternative approach to traditional Bayesian modeling to incorporate seismic. The focus in this paper lies in demonstrating the practicality, flexibility and CPU-advantage of this new approach by applying it to an actual deep-water turbidite reservoir. Based on well log interpretation and a global geological understanding of the reservoir architecture, a training image depicting sinuous sand bodies is generated using a non-conditional object-based simulation algorithm. Disconnected sand bodies are interpreted from seismic amplitude data using a principal component cluster analysis technique. In addition, a map of local sand probabilities obtained from a principal component proximity transform of the same seismic is generated. Multiple-point geostatistics then simulates multiple realizations of channel bodies constrained to the local sand probabilities, partially interpreted sand bodies and well-log data. The CPU-time is comparable to traditional geostatistical methods.
R. M. Srivastava,et al.
Multivariate Geostatistics: Beyond Bivariate Moments
Wenlong Xu,et al.
Conditional curvilinear stochastic simulation using pixel-based algorithms
Clayton V. Deutsch,et al.
Hierarchical object-based stochastic modeling of fluvial reservoirs
Jef Caers,et al.
Stochastic Reservoir Simulation Using Neural Networks Trained on Outcrop Data
K. Payrazyan,et al.
Principal Component Analysis Applied to 3D Seismic Data for Reservoir Property Estimation
Tapan Mukerji,et al.
Geostatistical integration of rock physics, seismic amplitudes, and geologic models in North Sea turbidite systems
Geostatistical Integration Of Rock Physics, Seismic Amplitudes And Geological Models In North-Sea Turbidite Systems
A. Journel,et al.
Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics
A. Journel.
Combining Knowledge from Diverse Sources: An Alternative to Traditional Data Independence Hypotheses
Sebastien Strebelle,et al.
Conditional Simulation of Complex Geological Structures Using Multiple-Point Statistics
Jef Caers,et al.
Multiple-point Geostatistics: A Quantitative Vehicle for Integrating Geologic Analogs into Multiple Reservoir Models