Forecast combinations: An over 50-year review

[1]  Rob J. Hyndman,et al.  Meta‐learning how to forecast time series , 2023, Journal of Forecasting.

[2]  Yanfei Kang,et al.  Another look at forecast trimming for combinations: robustness, accuracy and diversity , 2022, 2208.00139.

[3]  David T. Frazier,et al.  The Impact of Sampling Variability on Estimated Combinations of Distributional Forecasts , 2022, 2206.02376.

[4]  E. Y. Cramer,et al.  Comparing trained and untrained probabilistic ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States , 2022, International Journal of Forecasting.

[5]  Spyros Makridakis,et al.  M5 accuracy competition: Results, findings, and conclusions , 2022, International Journal of Forecasting.

[6]  R. L. Winkler,et al.  The M5 uncertainty competition: Results, findings and conclusions , 2021, International Journal of Forecasting.

[7]  Ben D. Fulcher,et al.  An Empirical Evaluation of Time-Series Feature Sets , 2021, 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW).

[8]  Samantha V. Adams,et al.  Deep Learning to Improve Weather Predictions , 2021, Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences.

[9]  Yanfei Kang,et al.  Bayesian forecast combination using time-varying features , 2021, International Journal of Forecasting.

[10]  M. A. Ganaie,et al.  Ensemble deep learning: A review , 2021, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

[11]  Alexander J. Smola,et al.  Flexible Model Aggregation for Quantile Regression , 2021, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[12]  F. Ziel,et al.  CRPS Learning , 2021, Journal of Econometrics.

[13]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Understanding forecast reconciliation , 2021, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[14]  Robert Fildes,et al.  Retail sales forecasting with meta-learning , 2021, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[15]  Evangelos Spiliotis,et al.  Investigating the accuracy of cross-learning time series forecasting methods , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[16]  F. Diebold,et al.  On the Aggregation of Probability Assessments: Regularized Mixtures of Predictive Densities for Eurozone Inflation and Real Interest Rates , 2020, Working paper (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia).

[17]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Forecasting: theory and practice , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[18]  F. Petropoulos,et al.  Forecast with forecasts: Diversity matters , 2020, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[19]  Nils Thuerey,et al.  Data‐Driven Medium‐Range Weather Prediction With a Resnet Pretrained on Climate Simulations: A New Model for WeatherBench , 2020, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

[20]  Yi Wang,et al.  Load probability density forecasting by transforming and combining quantile forecasts , 2020, Applied Energy.

[21]  David T. Frazier,et al.  Optimal probabilistic forecasts: When do they work? , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[22]  R. Tawn,et al.  Quantile Combination for the EEM20 Wind Power Forecasting Competition , 2020, 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM).

[23]  Rob J Hyndman,et al.  Distributed ARIMA models for ultra-long time series , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[24]  Thomas Setzer,et al.  Bias-Variance Trade-Off and Shrinkage of Weights in Forecast Combination , 2020, Manag. Sci..

[25]  Seungmin Rho,et al.  Combination of short-term load forecasting models based on a stacking ensemble approach , 2020 .

[26]  Johannes Bracher,et al.  Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format , 2020, PLoS Comput. Biol..

[27]  Torsten Hoefler,et al.  Deep learning for post-processing ensemble weather forecasts , 2020, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

[28]  S. Vannitsem,et al.  Statistical Postprocessing for Weather Forecasts: Review, Challenges, and Avenues in a Big Data World , 2020, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

[29]  Rob J. Hyndman,et al.  Hierarchical Probabilistic Forecasting of Electricity Demand With Smart Meter Data , 2020 .

[30]  Sebastian Scher,et al.  Ensemble Methods for Neural Network‐Based Weather Forecasts , 2020, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

[31]  Ying Feng,et al.  For2For: Learning to forecast from forecasts , 2020, ArXiv.

[32]  Rob J. Hyndman,et al.  FFORMA: Feature-based forecast model averaging , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[33]  Patrícia J. Bota,et al.  TSFEL: Time Series Feature Extraction Library , 2020, SoftwareX.

[34]  Amir F. Atiya,et al.  Why does forecast combination work so well? , 2020, International Journal of Forecasting.

[35]  Barbara Rossi,et al.  Forecasting in the Presence of Instabilities: How Do We Know Whether Models Predict Well and How to Improve Them , 2019, Journal of Economic Literature.

[36]  F. Bassetti,et al.  Density Forecasting , 2019, Macroeconomic Forecasting in the Era of Big Data.

[37]  Slawek Smyl,et al.  Machine learning methods for GEFCom2017 probabilistic load forecasting , 2019, International Journal of Forecasting.

[38]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Déjà vu: A data-centric forecasting approach through time series cross-similarity , 2019 .

[39]  F. Petropoulos,et al.  The uncertainty estimation of feature-based forecast combinations , 2019, J. Oper. Res. Soc..

[40]  Leandro dos Santos Coelho,et al.  Enhanced ensemble structures using wavelet neural networks applied to short-term load forecasting , 2019, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

[41]  Lilian M. de Menezes,et al.  Structural combination of seasonal exponential smoothing forecasts applied to load forecasting , 2019, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[42]  Nicolas Chapados,et al.  N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting , 2019, ICLR.

[43]  Feng Li,et al.  Forecasting with time series imaging , 2019, Expert Syst. Appl..

[44]  Mary E. Thomson,et al.  Combining forecasts: Performance and coherence , 2019, International Journal of Forecasting.

[45]  Feng Li,et al.  GRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics , 2019, Stat. Anal. Data Min..

[46]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Another look at forecast selection and combination: Evidence from forecast pooling , 2019, International Journal of Production Economics.

[47]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Combining Prediction Intervals in the M4 Competition , 2019, International Journal of Forecasting.

[48]  Nick S. Jones,et al.  catch22: CAnonical Time-series CHaracteristics , 2019, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

[49]  Stanley G. Benjamin,et al.  100 Years of Progress in Forecasting and NWP Applications , 2019, Meteorological Monographs.

[50]  Sebastian Scher,et al.  Toward Data‐Driven Weather and Climate Forecasting: Approximating a Simple General Circulation Model With Deep Learning , 2018, Geophysical Research Letters.

[51]  Laurent L. Pauwels,et al.  Higher Moment Constraints for Predictive Density Combination , 2018, SSRN Electronic Journal.

[52]  Agata Chorowska,et al.  Weighted ensemble of statistical models , 2018, 1811.07761.

[53]  Rob J. Hyndman,et al.  Optimal Forecast Reconciliation for Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series Through Trace Minimization , 2018, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

[54]  Francesco Ravazzolo,et al.  The Evolution of Forecast Density Combinations in Economics , 2018, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.

[55]  Sebastian Scher,et al.  Predicting weather forecast uncertainty with machine learning , 2018, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

[56]  Vivien Mallet,et al.  Ensemble forecast of photovoltaic power with online CRPS learning , 2018, International Journal of Forecasting.

[57]  Andreas W. Kempa-Liehr,et al.  Time Series FeatuRe Extraction on basis of Scalable Hypothesis tests (tsfresh - A Python package) , 2018, Neurocomputing.

[58]  Francis X. Diebold,et al.  Machine Learning for Regularized Survey Forecast Combination: Partially-Egalitarian Lasso and its Derivatives , 2018, International Journal of Forecasting.

[59]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Exploring the sources of uncertainty: Why does bagging for time series forecasting work? , 2018, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[60]  Peter Bauer,et al.  Challenges and design choices for global weather and climate models based on machine learning , 2018, Geoscientific Model Development.

[61]  Stephan Rasp,et al.  Neural networks for post-processing ensemble weather forecasts , 2018, Monthly Weather Review.

[62]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Judgmental selection of forecasting models , 2018 .

[63]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  forecast: Forecasting functions for time series and linear models , 2018 .

[64]  Daniel Kirschen,et al.  Combining Probabilistic Load Forecasts , 2018, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

[65]  Philippe Naveau,et al.  Forest-Based and Semiparametric Methods for the Postprocessing of Rainfall Ensemble Forecasting , 2017, Weather and Forecasting.

[66]  Mike West,et al.  Multivariate Bayesian Predictive Synthesis in Macroeconomic Forecasting , 2017, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

[67]  Mark F.J. Steel,et al.  Model Averaging and Its Use in Economics , 2017, Journal of Economic Literature.

[68]  Nikolaos Kourentzes,et al.  Demand forecasting by temporal aggregation: Using optimal or multiple aggregation levels? , 2017 .

[69]  Aki Vehtari,et al.  Using Stacking to Average Bayesian Predictive Distributions (with Discussion) , 2017, Bayesian Analysis.

[70]  Kate Smith-Miles,et al.  Visualising forecasting algorithm performance using time series instance spaces , 2017 .

[71]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Bayesian Ensembles of Binary-Event Forecasts: When Is It Appropriate to Extremize or Anti-Extremize? , 2017, 1705.02391.

[72]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Quantile Evaluation, Sensitivity to Bracketing, and Sharing Business Payoffs , 2016, Oper. Res..

[73]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  Forecasting with multivariate temporal aggregation: the case of promotional modelling , 2016 .

[74]  Nick S. Jones,et al.  Automatic time-series phenotyping using massive feature extraction , 2016, bioRxiv.

[75]  Thomas Setzer,et al.  When to choose the simple average in forecast combination , 2016 .

[76]  Michael Vitale,et al.  The wisdom of crowds , 2016, The Lancet.

[77]  Sebastian Lerch,et al.  Combining predictive distributions for the statistical post-processing of ensemble forecasts , 2016, International Journal of Forecasting.

[78]  Tao Hong,et al.  GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric load forecasting: An integrated solution with forecast combination and residual simulation , 2016 .

[79]  Rob J Hyndman,et al.  Bagging exponential smoothing methods using STL decomposition and Box–Cox transformation , 2016 .

[80]  Robert L. Winkler,et al.  Combining Interval Forecasts , 2016, Decis. Anal..

[81]  Mike West,et al.  Dynamic Bayesian predictive synthesis in time series forecasting , 2016, Journal of Econometrics.

[82]  Henry Mwambi,et al.  Evaluating the combined forecasts of the dynamic factor model and the artificial neural network model using linear and nonlinear combining methods , 2016 .

[83]  Peter Bauer,et al.  The quiet revolution of numerical weather prediction , 2015, Nature.

[84]  Ratnadip Adhikari A mutual association based nonlinear ensemble mechanism for time series forecasting , 2015, Applied Intelligence.

[85]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Ensembles of Overfit and Overconfident Forecasts , 2015, Manag. Sci..

[86]  Felix Chan,et al.  Some Theoretical Results on Forecast Combinations , 2015 .

[87]  Michel van der Wel,et al.  Combining Density Forecasts using Focused Scoring Rules , 2015 .

[88]  Craig A. Rolling,et al.  On the Forecast Combination Puzzle , 2015, Econometrics.

[89]  David V. Budescu,et al.  Aggregating multiple probability intervals to improve calibration , 2015, Judgment and Decision Making.

[90]  Roberto Casarin,et al.  Bayesian Nonparametric Calibration and Combination of Predictive Distributions , 2015, 1502.07246.

[91]  Eva Chen,et al.  Identifying Expertise to Extract the Wisdom of Crowds , 2015, Manag. Sci..

[92]  Enrique Moral-Benito,et al.  Model Averaging in Economics: An Overview , 2015 .

[93]  Fabio Busetti,et al.  Quantile Aggregation of Density Forecasts , 2014 .

[94]  Marco Del Negro,et al.  Dynamic Prediction Pools: An Investigation of Financial Frictions and Forecasting Performance , 2014 .

[95]  Andrey L. Vasnev,et al.  The Forecast Combination Puzzle: A Simple Theoretical Explanation , 2014 .

[96]  Fotios Petropoulos,et al.  'Horses for Courses' in demand forecasting , 2014, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[97]  Richard P. Larrick,et al.  The wisdom of select crowds. , 2014, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[98]  Nikolaos Kourentzes,et al.  Neural network ensemble operators for time series forecasting , 2014, Expert Syst. Appl..

[99]  Lyle H. Ungar,et al.  Modeling Probability Forecasts via Information Diversity , 2014 .

[100]  Brandon M. Turner,et al.  Forecast aggregation via recalibration , 2014, Machine Learning.

[101]  Hongnian Yu,et al.  A combination selection algorithm on forecasting , 2014, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[102]  F. Petropoulos,et al.  Improving forecasting by estimating time series structural components across multiple frequencies , 2014 .

[103]  George Kapetanios,et al.  Generalised Density Forecast Combinations , 2014 .

[104]  Michael P. Clements,et al.  Forecasting by factors, by variables, by both or neither? , 2013 .

[105]  George Athanasopoulos,et al.  Forecasting: principles and practice , 2013 .

[106]  Luca Delle Monache,et al.  Probabilistic Weather Prediction with an Analog Ensemble , 2013 .

[107]  Jakub Nowotarski,et al.  An Empirical Comparison of Alternate Schemes for Combining Electricity Spot Price Forecasts , 2013 .

[108]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  The Wisdom of Competitive Crowds , 2013, Oper. Res..

[109]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Forecasting the Real Price of Oil in a Changing World: A Forecast Combination Approach , 2013 .

[110]  Araceli Sanchis,et al.  Time series forecasting using a weighted cross-validation evolutionary artificial neural network ensemble , 2013, Neurocomputing.

[111]  Sándor Baran,et al.  Probabilistic wind speed forecasting using Bayesian model averaging with truncated normal components , 2013, Comput. Stat. Data Anal..

[112]  Laurent L. Pauwels,et al.  A Note on Estimation of Optimal Weights for Density Forecast Combinations , 2013 .

[113]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Trimmed Opinion Pools and the Crowd's Calibration Problem , 2012, Manag. Sci..

[114]  Vu,et al.  Time-Varying Combinations of Predictive Densities Using Nonlinear Filtering , 2012 .

[115]  Vladimir M. Krasnopolsky,et al.  A Neural Network Nonlinear Multimodel Ensemble to Improve Precipitation Forecasts over Continental US , 2012 .

[116]  C. De Mol,et al.  Optimal Combination of Survey Forecasts , 2012 .

[117]  Barbara Rossi,et al.  Advances in Forecasting Under Instability , 2012 .

[118]  R. K. Agrawal,et al.  A Novel Weighted Ensemble Technique for Time Series Forecasting , 2012, PAKDD.

[119]  Yael Grushka-Cockayne,et al.  Is it Better to Average Probabilities or Quantiles? , 2012, Manag. Sci..

[120]  David Draper,et al.  Assessment and Propagation of Model Uncertainty , 2011 .

[121]  Rob J. Hyndman,et al.  Optimal combination forecasts for hierarchical time series , 2011, Comput. Stat. Data Anal..

[122]  Dick van Dijk,et al.  Likelihood-based scoring rules for comparing density forecasts in tails , 2011 .

[123]  Amir F. Atiya,et al.  Combination of long term and short term forecasts, with application to tourism demand forecasting , 2011 .

[124]  T. Gneiting,et al.  Combining Predictive Distributions , 2011, 1106.1638.

[125]  S. Kolassa Combining exponential smoothing forecasts using Akaike weights , 2011 .

[126]  Jose Rodriguez,et al.  Forecast combination through dimension reduction techniques , 2011 .

[127]  H. Bondell,et al.  Noncrossing quantile regression curve estimation. , 2010, Biometrika.

[128]  Shaun P. Vahey,et al.  Combining forecast densities from VARs with uncertain instabilities , 2010 .

[129]  Bogdan Gabrys,et al.  Meta-learning for time series forecasting and forecast combination , 2010, Neurocomputing.

[130]  J. M. Sloughter,et al.  Probabilistic Wind Speed Forecasting Using Ensembles and Bayesian Model Averaging , 2010 .

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[132]  Robert L. Winkler,et al.  Evaluating Quantile Assessments , 2009, Oper. Res..

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[147]  Allan Timmermann,et al.  Persistence in forecasting performance and conditional combination strategies , 2006 .

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