A new technique to compute polygonal schema for 2-manifolds with application to null-homotopy detection

We provide a new technique for deriving optimal-sized polygonal schema for triangulated compact 2-manifolds without boundary inO(n) time, wheren is the size of the given triangulationT. We first derive a polygonal schemaP embedded inT using Seifert-Van Kampen's theorem. A reduced polygonal schemaQ of optimal size is computed fromP, where a surjective map from the vertices ofP is retained to the vertices ofQ. This helps detecting null-homotopic (contractible to a point) cycles. Given a cycle of lengthk, we determine if it is null-homotopic inO(n+k logg) time and in θ(n+k) space, whereg is the genus of the given 2-manifold. The actual contraction for a null-homotopic cycle can be computed in θ(nk) time and space. This is a considerable improvement over the previous best-known algorithm for this problem.