Effects of twisting methods on the plied yarn properties

The i ntluence of twist ing mcthod on the properties of Ne 39/ 1 and N e 26/ 1 combed collon yarns, pl ied two and three ti mes on ring, two-For-one and bal loon less twist ing mnchi nes, has been studied. The yarn tenaci ty, brenking extension, work of rupture, twist i ng variations, hniri ness (S3) and hairi ness index values of the resultant yarns have been evaluated. The results, evaluated stat ist icnl ly, show that the plying and twisting methods inFl uence the physical properties of p l ied yarn. The yarns twisted on bal loonless twisting machi nes havc lower hairi ness and tcnacity values than thosc of the yarns twi sted on other machines whi le thc yarns twisted on two-for-one twist ing machines attain h ighcr hniri ness and twist ing variance values than those of the yarns twisted on other machi ncs. I n terms of tenacity, the highest improvement obtained nfter plying occurs in the yarns twisted on two-far-one twist ing mnchines whi le the lowest i mprovement is observed in the yarns twisted on bal loonlcss twist ing machi nes. Contrari ly , the yarns twistcd on ring and bal loon less twist ing machines show the h ighest i mprovemcnt in hairi ness nnd twist ing variance values.

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