Utilización del alfa de Cronbach para validar la co nfiabilidad de un instrumento de medición de satisfacción del estu diante en el uso del software Minitab

Currently teachers who conduct research and develop teaching practice, face the problem of validating the reliability of a measurement instrument that helps to verify and to be certain about the topics invest igated and the performances of the students. The method used to va lidate an instrument, internal consistency is Cronb ach's alpha, the same that is used in this work. This art icle shows a practical example to determine the rel iability of an instrument measuring student satisfaction in Minita b software application, used as supplementary teach ing strategy in the field of Statistics for Engineering at the Technical University of Southern Sonora, Me xico. Used SPSS software version 20 and its statistical interp retation. It is important to evaluate the process o f learning, teacher performance and impact of the software to a chieve meaningful learning, as a measure to detect deficiencies and feedback to the process. This pape r provides an analysis of reliability and to improv e the likelihood of success of the instrument to increase the reliability of it.