Study of Correlating a Compression Ignition Engine Model to Plotted Characterization of In-Cylinder Pressure and Temperature Profile

2 Abstract: In-cylinder press ure profile and in-cylinder t emperature profile o f compression i gnition engi ne is investigated using computational engine model simulation in this paper. The engine model is developed from the real compression ignition engine data. The software have used in the compression ignition engine model development is GT-POWER, the part of GT-ISE software. In this research, the simulation of engine model is running in variations engine speeds. The engine model output is designed focuses on investigation the correlation of characteristic in-cylinder pressure profile and in-cylinder temperature profile based on variations e ngine speeds. T he simulation output data is collected from the GT-Post re sults plots in post processing. The results of the engine model simulation are shown the characters in-cylinder engine pressure pro file and in-cylinder engi ne t emperature profile o f engine i n vari ations engine speed s running. The best performance in-cylinder profile is shown in 3000 rpm e ngine speed.