Analysis of cement pastes and mortars by a combination of backscatter-based SEM image analysis and calculations based on the Powers model

Formation of microstructure in cement pastes and mortars were quantitatively analyzed by the SEM-BSE image analysis. Effects of water/cement ratio and of the addition of mineral admixtures on the contents of unhydrated cement particles and pores were discussed. The proportions of each phase obtained by the analyses were compared with proportions calculated on the Powers model. It was found from comparisons that the volume fractions of the residual cement and pores obtained by the image analysis did not contradict those estimated from the Powers model. Lower water/cement ratio pastes and those undergoing pozzolanic reaction showed less fine capillary pores. It was also found that large capillary pores still remained in the mixtures at long ages. The gel/space ratio in the Powers and Brownyard equation was calculated from the phase constituents determined by the image analysis. For mortars without mineral admixture, the gel/space ratio by the image analysis could be related to the strength.