Quantitative Determination of Valepotriates from Valeriana Native to South Brazil
Valtrate, DIA-valtrate, acevaltrate, 1-beta-acevaltrate and didrovaltrate have been quantitatively estimated by reversed-phase HPLC in the leaves, flowers, stems and roots of Valeriana glechomifolia Meyer, V. catharinensis Graebn., V. chamaedryfolia Cham. & Schltdl., V. eichleriana (C.A.Mull.) Graebn., V. polysthachya Smith, V. scandens L., V. eupatoria Sobral, V. salicariifolia Vahl and V. tajuvensis Sobral. All plants presented valepotriates being V. glechomifolia the richest one, followed by V. eupatoria, V. eichleriana and V. tajuvensis.