Design and Evaluation of Miniature Control Surface Actuation Systems for Aeroelastic Models

Miniature control surface actuation systems with wide bandpass performance have been developed for two airplane aeroelastic wind tunnel models. Analysis, design, and test results are presented for: 1) electromechanical systems for the elevator, aileron, canard, and flaperon control surfaces of a 1/30 scale B-52 model, and 2) electrohydraulic systems for the trailing edge and leading edge aileron control surfaces of a 1/17 scale semispan delta wing model. The electromechanical systems utilize d.c. torque motors with position and rate feedback to achieve a bandpass capability of 50 Hz. A rotary vane hydraulic actuator (weighing less than 3 oz) and servovalve compensated with position and load pressure feedback have demonstrated a bandpass performance of over 100 Hz.