Influenza virus genetics.

[1]  G. Faulkner,et al.  Amantadine-resistant and -sensitive influenza A strains and recombinants. , 1979, The Journal of general virology.

[2]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Correlation of pathogenicity and gene constellation of influenza A viruses. III. Non-pathogenic recombinants derived from highly pathogenic parent strains. , 1979, The Journal of general virology.

[3]  C. Scholtissek The genes coding for the surface glycoproteins of influenza A viruses contain a small conserved and a large variable region. , 1979, Virology.

[4]  H. Klenk,et al.  A mutant of influenza virus with a temperature-sensitive defect in the posttranslational processing of the hemagglutinin. , 1979, Virology.

[5]  P. Palese,et al.  Susceptibility of influenza A viruses to amantadine is influenced by the gene coding for M protein , 1978, Journal of virology.

[6]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Host range recombinants of fowl plague (influenza A) virus. , 1978, Virology.

[7]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Genetic relatedness between the new 1977 epidemic strains (H1N1) of influenza and human influenza strains isolated between 1947 and 1957 (H1N1). , 1978, Virology.

[8]  C. Boschek,et al.  A possible partial heterozygote of an influenza A virus. , 1978, Virology.

[9]  J. Skehel,et al.  Antigenic similarity of influenza A (H1N1) viruses from epidemics in 1977--1978 to "Scandinavian" strains isolated in epidemics of 1950--1951. , 1978, Virology.

[10]  Katsuhisa Nakajima,et al.  Recent human influenza A (H1N1) viruses are closely related genetically to strains isolated in 1950 , 1978, Nature.

[11]  P. Palese,et al.  Molecular weights of RNA segments of influenza A and B viruses. , 1978, Virology.

[12]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. XVI. Transfer of the two ts lesions present in the Udorn/72-ts-1A2 donor virus to the Victoria/3/75 wild-type virus. , 1978, Virology.

[13]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus XV. The genetic and biological characterization of a recombinant influenza virus containing two is lesions produced by mating two complementing, single lesion is mutants , 1978 .

[14]  F. Pedersen,et al.  Biochemical evidence that "new" influenza virus strains in nature may arise by recombination (reassortment). , 1978, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[15]  N. Cox,et al.  Effect of temperature on the order of electrophoretic migration of influenza virus neuraminidase and nucleoprotein genes in acrylamide gels lacking denaturing agents. , 1978, The Journal of general virology.

[16]  J. Oxford,et al.  Analysis of virion RNA segments and polypeptides of influenza A virus recombinants of defined virulence , 1978, Nature.

[17]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  On the origin of the human influenza virus subtypes H2N2 and H3N2. , 1978, Virology.

[18]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Biochemical studies on influenza viruses. II. Assignment of gene functions to RNA segments 5, 7, and 8 of fowl plague virus and virus N. , 1978, Virology.

[19]  J. Skehel,et al.  Influenza virus transcription. , 1978, The Journal of general virology.

[20]  J. Skehel,et al.  Nucleotide sequences at the 5' termini of influenza virus RNAs and their transcripts. , 1978, Nucleic acids research.

[21]  M. Yakhno,et al.  RETURN OF EPIDEMIC A1 (H1N1) INFLUENZA VIRUS , 1978, The Lancet.

[22]  M. Ueda,et al.  Identification of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of influenza B virus , 1978, Journal of virology.

[23]  B. Moss,et al.  Common Sequence at the 5′ Ends of the Segmented RNA Genomes of Influenza A and B Viruses , 1978, Journal of virology.

[24]  J. Almond A single gene determines the host range of influenza virus , 1977, Nature.

[25]  J. Skehel,et al.  Influenza virus messenger RNAs are incomplete transcripts of the genome RNAs. , 1977, Nucleic acids research.

[26]  J. Skehel,et al.  Transcription of the influenza virus genome. , 1977, Virology.

[27]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Genetic relationship between an influenza A and a B virus. , 1977, The Journal of general virology.

[28]  P. Palese,et al.  Virulence factors of influenza A viruses: WSN virus neuraminidase required for plaque production in MDBK cells , 1977, Journal of virology.

[29]  N. Cox,et al.  Comparative studies of wild-type and 'cold-mutant' (temperature sensitive) influenza viruses: geneology of the matrix (M) and non-structural (NS) proteins in recombinant cold-adapted H3N2 viruses. , 1977, The Journal of general virology.

[30]  R. Lamb,et al.  Synthesis of influenza virus polypeptides in cells resistant to alpha-amanitin: evidence for the involvement of cellular RNA polymerase II in virus replication , 1977, Journal of virology.

[31]  R. D. Barry,et al.  Participation of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II in replication of influenza viruses , 1977, Nature.

[32]  G. Appleyard,et al.  Amantadine-resistance as a genetic marker for influenza viruses. , 1977, The Journal of general virology.

[33]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Correlation of pathogenicity and gene constellation of an influenza A virus (fowl plague). I. Exchange of a single gene. , 1977, Virology.

[34]  D. McGeoch,et al.  Method for assigning temperature-sensitive mutations of influenza viruses to individual segments of the genome. , 1977, Virology.

[35]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Correlation between base sequence homology of RNA segment 4 and antigenicity of the hemagglutinin of influenza viruses. , 1977, Virology.

[36]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Biochemical studies on influenza viruses. I. Comparative analysis of equine 2 virus and virus N genes and gene products. , 1977, Virology.

[37]  P. Palese,et al.  Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the RNAs of new influenza virus strains: an epidemiological tool. , 1977, Developments in biological standardization.

[38]  P. Palese,et al.  Live attenuated influenza virus vaccines. Strains with temperature-sensitive defects in P3 protein and nucleoprotein. , 1977, Virology.

[39]  R. Krug,et al.  The segments of influenza viral mRNA , 1977, Journal of virology.

[40]  P. Palese,et al.  P1 and P3 proteins of influenza virus are required for complementary RNA synthesis , 1977, Journal of virology.

[41]  P. Palese,et al.  Identification of the defective genes in three mutant groups of influenza virus , 1977, Journal of virology.

[42]  R. Chanock,et al.  Cold-adapted variants of influenza virus A. I. Comparison of the genetic properties of ts mutants and five cold-adapted variants of influenza virus A. , 1977, Virology.

[43]  M. Pons Early RNA synthesis in influenza virus-infected cells. , 1977, Virology.

[44]  J. Taylor,et al.  Use of specific radioactive probes to study transcription and replication of the influenza virus genome , 1977, Journal of virology.

[45]  P. Palese The genes of influenza virus , 1977, Cell.

[46]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza A virus. XI. Transfer of ts lesions in the Hong Kong/68-ts-1 [a] virus to the influenza A/Udorn/72 wild type. , 1976, The Journal of infectious diseases.

[47]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Correlation between RNA fragments of fowl plague virus and their corresponding gene functions. , 1976, Virology.

[48]  P. Palese,et al.  Selection and identification of influenza virus recombinants of defined genetic composition , 1976, Journal of virology.

[49]  R. Lamb,et al.  Polypeptides specified by the influenza virus genome I. Evidence for eight distinct gene products specified by fowl plague virus. , 1976, Virology.

[50]  R. Krug,et al.  Influenza viral mRNA contains internal N6-methyladenosine and 5'-terminal 7-methylguanosine in cap structures , 1976, Journal of virology.

[51]  P. Palese,et al.  Mapping of the influenza virus genome. III. Identification of genes coding for nucleoprotein, membrane protein, and nonstructural protein , 1976, Journal of virology.

[52]  D. McGeoch,et al.  Influenza virus genome consists of eight distinct RNA species. , 1976, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[53]  P. Palese,et al.  Mapping of the influenza virus genome: identification of the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase genes. , 1976, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[54]  P. Palese,et al.  RNAs of influenza A, B, and C viruses , 1976, Journal of virology.

[55]  R. W. Simpson,et al.  Transcriptase activity and genome composition of defective influenza virus , 1976, Journal of virology.

[56]  M. Ueda,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus: a mutation in the hemagglutinin gene. , 1976, Virology.

[57]  P. Palese,et al.  Differences in RNA patterns of influenza A viruses , 1976, Journal of virology.

[58]  M. Pons A reexamination of influenza single-and double-stranded RNAs by gel electrophoresis. , 1976, Virology.

[59]  T. Moehring,et al.  The spectrum of virus resistance of a KB cell strain resistant to diphtheria toxin. , 1976, Virology.

[60]  G. Appleyard,et al.  A plaque assay for the study of influenza virus inhibitors. , 1975, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

[61]  R. Krug,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza WSN virus defective in virus-specific RNA synthesis , 1975, Journal of virology.

[62]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Isolation and characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of fowl plague virus. , 1975, Virology.

[63]  D. Genkina,et al.  Study of fowl plague virus RNA synthesis in temperature-sensitive mutants. , 1975, Virology.

[64]  D. Richman,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza. VIII. Genetic and biological characterization of TS mutants of influenza virus A (H3N2) and their assignment to complementation groups. , 1975, Virology.

[65]  D. Richman,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. VI. Transfer of TS lesions from the Asian subtype of influenza A virus (H2N2) to the Hong Kong subtype (H3N2). , 1975, Virology.

[66]  D. Richman,et al.  Temperature-Sensitive mutants of influenza virus. VII. Transfer of the TS-1[E] lesions to a wild-type influenza A virus with the HON1 surface antigens. , 1975, Virology.

[67]  M. Ueda,et al.  Further isolation and characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. , 1975, Virology.

[68]  R. Compans,et al.  Characterization of temperature sensitive influenza virus mutants defective in neuraminidase. , 1974, Virology.

[69]  D. Tyrrell,et al.  Electron microscopic observations on the entry of influenza virus into susceptible cells. , 1974, The Journal of general virology.

[70]  M. Stone,et al.  Separation of single-stranded ribonucleic acids by acrylamide-agarose-urea gel electrophoresis. , 1974, Analytical biochemistry.

[71]  R. Avery,et al.  Failure of an Influenza Virus to Initiate Infection in Enucleate BHK cells , 1974, Journal of virology.

[72]  H. Klenk,et al.  Characteristics of an influenza mutant temperature-sensitive for viral RNA synthesis. , 1974, Virology.

[73]  J. Skehel,et al.  Virus Replication in Enucleate Cells: Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Influenza Virus , 1974, Journal of virology.

[74]  R. W. Simpson,et al.  Primary transcription of the influenza virus genome in permissive cells. , 1973, Virology.

[75]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. 3. Further characterization of the ts-1(E) influenza A recombinant (H3N2) virus in man. , 1973, The Journal of infectious diseases.

[76]  A. T. Marchenko,et al.  Biochemical characteristics of fowl plague virus TS mutants. , 1973, Virology.

[77]  G. K. Hirst Mechanism of influenza recombination. I. Factors influencing recombination rates between temperature-sensitive mutants of strain WSN and the classification of mutants into complementation--recombination groups. , 1973, Virology.

[78]  Ghendon Yz,et al.  Genetic classification and biological properties of temperature-sensitive mutants of fowl plague virus. , 1973 .

[79]  J. Mackenzie,et al.  A preliminary study of physiological characteristics of temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. , 1973, The Journal of general virology.

[80]  R. Webster,et al.  Studies on the origin of pandemic influenza. 3. Evidence implicating duck and equine influenza viruses as possible progenitors of the Hong Kong strain of human influenza. , 1973, Virology.

[81]  R. Webster,et al.  Serological Cross-Reactions Between the Hemagglutinin Subunits of H0N1 and H1N1 Influenza Viruses Detected with “Monospecific” Antisera , 1973, Journal of virology.

[82]  K. Tobita,et al.  Isolation and Preliminary Characterization of Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Influenza Virus , 1972, Journal of virology.

[83]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. II. Attenuation of ts recombinants for man. , 1972, The Journal of infectious diseases.

[84]  J. Skehel Polypeptide synthesis in influenza virus-infected cells. , 1972, Virology.

[85]  S. Leppla,et al.  Characterization of the Subunit Structure of the Ribonucleic Acid Genome of Influenza Virus , 1971, Journal of virology.

[86]  J. Content,et al.  5'-terminus of influenza virus RNA. , 1971, Nature: New biology.

[87]  R. Chanock,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus. I. Behavior in tissue culture and in experimental animals. , 1971, The Journal of infectious diseases.

[88]  G. Schild Studies with antibody to the purified haemagglutinin of an influenza Ao virus. , 1970, The Journal of general virology.

[89]  I. Schulze The structure of influenza virus. I. The polypeptides of the virion. , 1970, Virology.

[90]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Specific Inhibition of Influenza Replication by α-Amanitin , 1970, Nature.


[92]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Synthesis in vivo of influenza virus plus and minus strand RNA and its preferential inhibition by antibiotics. , 1970, Virology.

[93]  C. Scholtissek,et al.  Hybridization studies with influenza virus RNA. , 1969, Virology.

[94]  H. Eggers,et al.  Inhibition of uncoating of fowl plague virus by l-adamantanamine hydrochloride. , 1969, Virology.

[95]  H. Maassab,et al.  Biologic and immunologic characteristics of cold-adapted influenza virus. , 1969, Journal of immunology.

[96]  C. Yoneda,et al.  Induction of ocular resistance to vaccinia virus by typhoid vaccine: role of interferon. , 1969, Journal of immunology.

[97]  R. W. Simpson,et al.  Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza A virus: isolation of mutants and preliminary observations on genetic recombination and complementation. , 1968, Virology.

[98]  P. Duesberg The RNA of influenza virus. , 1968, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[99]  G. K. Hirst,et al.  Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of influenza virus RNA. , 1968, Virology.

[100]  H. Maassab,et al.  Adaptation and Growth Characteristics of Influenza Virus at 25° C , 1967, Nature.

[101]  H. Maassab,et al.  STUDIES ON THE ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY OF AMANTADINE HYDROCHLORIDE * , 1965, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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[103]  R. Sutton,et al.  Inhibition of influenza viruses in vitro and in vivo by 1-adamantanamine hydrochloride. , 1965, British journal of experimental pathology.


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[110]  B. Flehmig,et al.  Influenza virus: appearance of high mouse-neurovirulent recombinants. , 1979, Intervirology.

[111]  J. Skehel,et al.  The matrix protein gene determines amantadine-sensitivity of influenza viruses. , 1979, The Journal of general virology.

[112]  V. Ginzburg,et al.  Isolation and purification of influenza virus mRNA coding for M protein. , 1978, Virology.

[113]  C. Scholtissek The genome of the influenza virus. , 1978, Current topics in microbiology and immunology.

[114]  W. J. Bean,et al.  Genetics of influenza virus. , 1978, Annual review of genetics.

[115]  J. Skehel,et al.  On the mechanism of inhibition of influenza virus replication by amantadine hydrochloride. , 1978, The Journal of general virology.

[116]  W. J. Bean,et al.  The prevalence of influenza viruses in swine and the antigenic and genetic relatedness of influenza viruses from man and swine. , 1978, Virology.

[117]  P. Palese,et al.  Mapping of the influenza virus genome. II. Identification of the P1, P2, and P3 genes. , 1977, Virology.

[118]  K. Nakajima,et al.  Isolation of an influenza virus temperature-sensitive mutant of a new recombination-complementation group. , 1977, Virology.

[119]  D. McGeoch,et al.  Polypeptides specified by the influenza virus genoma. 2. Assignement of protein coding functions to individual genome segments by in vitro translation. , 1977, Virology.

[120]  M. Pons The inhibition of influenza virus RNA synthesis by actinomycin D and cycloheximide. , 1973, Virology.

[121]  V. Vonka,et al.  Sensitivity to 1-adamantanamine as a marker in genetic studies with influenza viruses , 1973 .

[122]  J. Mackenzie Isolation of temperature-sensitive mutants and the construction of a preliminary genetic map for influenza virus. , 1970, The Journal of general virology.

[123]  G. K. Hirst Genetic recombination with Newcastle disease virus, polioviruses, and influenza. , 1962, Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology.

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