Multiple-view microscopy with light-sheet based fluorescence microscope

The axial resolution of any standard single-lens light microscope is lower than its lateral resolution. The ratio is approximately 3-4 when high numerical aperture objective lenses are used (NA 1.2 -1.4) and more than 10 with low numerical apertures (NA 0.2 and below). In biological imaging, the axial resolution is normally insufficient to resolve subcellular phenomena. Furthermore, parts of the images of opaque specimens are often highly degraded or obscured. Multiple-view fluorescence microscopy overcomes both problems simultaneously by recording multiple images of the same specimen along different directions. The images are digitally fused into a single high-quality image. Multiple-view imaging was developed as an extension to the light-sheet based fluorescence microscope (LSFM), a novel technique that seems to be better suited for multiple-view imaging than any other fluorescence microscopy method to date. In this contribution, the LSFM properties, which are important for multiple-view imaging, are characterized and the implementation of LSFM based multiple-view microscopy is described. The important aspects of multiple-view image alignment and fusion are discussed, the published algorithms are reviewed and original solutions are proposed. The advantages and limitations of multiple-view imaging with LSFM are demonstrated using a number of specimens, which range in size from a single yeast cell to an adult fruit fly and to Medaka fish.