B . 1 Measuring Simple Attention : Psychomotor Vigilance Task

As touched upon briefly in the paper, many bandwidth measurements have three common features which facilitate their usage, even in challenging environments: (i) ease of administration; (ii) broad applicability; and (iii) ease of instruction. We begin by expanding on these characteristics in Appendix A. Appendix B provides details of four illustrative measurements of bandwidth: (a) Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT); (b) Hearts and Flowers; (c) Corsi Block-Span; and (d) Raven’s Matrices. Appendix C concludes with further discussion of factors which may impact bandwidth, including physical pain, sleep deprivation, noise, and other environmental factors. Dean et al. (2017) provide a more detailed discussion of the different cognitive measurements and factors affecting bandwidth which are highlighted briefly below.

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