A Combined Behavioral and Neuroimaging Battery to Test Positive Appraisal Style Theory of Resilience in Longitudinal Studies

Resilience is the maintenance or rapid recovery of mental health during and after stressor exposure. It is becoming increasingly clear that resilience results from a complex and dynamic process of adaptation to stressors involving the biological, psychological and social levels. Positive appraisal style theory of resilience (PASTOR) claims that the common final pathway to maintained mental health lies in the non-negative (non-catastrophizing, non-pessimistic) appraisal of potential stressors, permitting the organism to fine-tune stress responses to optimal levels, thus avoiding unnecessary stress, inefficient deployment of resources and concomitant deleterious allostatic load effects. Successful adaptation consists in developing or strengthening a positive appraisal style. Another key element of PASTOR is that a positive appraisal style is strongly determined by the efficacy and efficiency of the neural and cognitive processes that underlie positive stressor appraisal. We here present a combined behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) battery designed to assess such processes repeatedly in longitudinal settings. The battery includes tests of stress reactivity and recovery, reward sensitivity, safety learning and memory in the context of fear conditioning and extinction, volitional situation-focused reappraisal, volitional self-focused reappraisal, and emotional interference inhibition, along with structural MRI and resting-state MRI scans. A detailed description of the battery methods is provided. The feasibility of the battery was successfully tested in N=55 healthy subjects; group results of the individual tasks largely replicate existing literature.

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