Disseminated lymphatic tuberculosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: computed tomography findings.

There is an increased frequency of disseminated tuberculosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The authors reviewed 6 thoracic and 10 abdominal computed tomography scans from 11 patients who had AIDS and disseminated tuberculosis. All scans demonstrated multiple, large, mediastinal or retroperitoneal lymph nodes, or both; low-density centers within enlarged nodes were identified in seven patients (63%). The scans also showed a diffuse miliary pattern (three patients), pericardial effusion (three patients), mild hepatomegaly (six patients), moderate splenomegaly (seven patients), hypodense splenic lesions (one patient), peritoneal fluid (four patients), bowel involvement (two patients) and dilatation of the biliary tract (two patients). Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis was demonstrated in all cases. The findings of this study show that lymph-node enlargement and nodes with low-density centers in patients who have AIDS are suggestive of disseminated tuberculous infection.