Simulation of fluid flow phenomena in propellant tanks at high and low accelerations.
plasticity of metals," Fundamentals of Deformation Processing (Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N. Y., 1964), pp. 259298; also ASM Transactions (1962), Vol. 55, pp. 264-267. 4 Hatch, A. J., "Texture strengthening of titanium alloys," Trans. Am. Inst. Mining, Metallurgical, Petroleum Engrs. 233,44-50(1965). 5 Backofen, W. A. and Hosford, W. F., Jr., "The strength and plasticity of anisotropic metals," Watertown Arsenal Labs. Final TR834.12/2-3 (September 1963). 6 Larson, F. R., "Anisotropy of titanium sheet in uniaxial tension," Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Trans. 57, 620-631 (1964). 7 Sliney, J. L., Corrigan, D. A., and Schmid, F., "Preliminary report on the biaxial tensile behavior of anisotropic sheet materials," Army Materials Research Agency TR 63-11 (August 1963). 8 Hutmacher, J. J. and Harmon, M. B., "SV/SIVB tank improvement study," Douglas Aircraft Co. Rept. SM-49221 (September 1965). 9 Kam, C. Y., "Titanium pressure vessels—progress report," Douglas Aircraft Co. Rept. SM-42566 (November 1962).