CDDS — A Personal Computer Based System for Automated Interpretation of GC/MS-Analyses
The application of chemometric detectors in gaschromatography/mass spectrometry has been shown to be useful in recent years [1,2]. The most important drawbacks of the systems developed so far are the lack of user friendliness and the complicated development procedure to obtain new chemometric detectors with a new selectivity. The system presented in this paper has a clearly defined and graphically oriented user interface and makes it possible to develop new detectors in a convenient and efficient way.
[1] Automatische Erkennung von Isotopenpeakmustern in Massenspektren , 1985 .
[2] K. Varmuza,et al. Selective detection of classes of chemical compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/pattern recognition: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and alkanes , 1987 .
[3] Improving the efficiency of small gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric data systems by means of simple algorithms , 1976 .