An Expert Infobase System for Tracing Hazardous Materials in Engineering Documents and System Requirements for Materials Information Standardization
The Hazardous Waste Minimization (HAZMIN) Infobase has a Navy Aviation Depot's maintenance directives and processing procedures in digitized text and graphics files. It is important that all chemicals that are restricted in some manner by state and federal environmental and safety regulations are identified in the materials that are specified within the processing documents, by shop (work area), and to the level of the ingredients that make up the materials in use. Described will be how, by using the HyGEN Expert Infobase System technology and appropriate methodology, an audit trail for state and federal safety- and environmentally-restricted materials can be established against engineering and material documentations. The Expert Infobase system is an integration of infobase, database, and rule-based expert systems. HyGEN software can synergistically integrate a select set of off-the-shelf PC software and can provide the system with relational capabilities such as database to text and vice versa, in addition to the common database to database. Also, there are database or text to graphics cross-relating capabilities. The system can possess similar properties as those of the object-oriented programming technology. These capabilities can furthermore be synergized to successfully design and automatically manage complex information structures such as with repeating data groups nesting within another level of repeating data group. Also described will be the organizing approaches for viewing information from several perspectives yet using the same basic information set.