Simultaneous Estimation of Microphysical Parameters and Atmospheric State with Simulated Radar Data and Ensemble Square Root Kalman Filter. Part I: Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Identifiability

Abstract The possibility of estimating fundamental parameters common in single-moment ice microphysics schemes using radar observations is investigated for a model-simulated supercell storm by examining parameter sensitivity and identifiability. These parameters include the intercept parameters for rain, snow, and hail/graupel, and the bulk densities of snow and hail/graupel. These parameters are closely involved in the definition of drop/particle size distributions of microphysical species but often assume highly uncertain specified values. The sensitivity of model forecast within data assimilation cycles to the parameter values, and the issue of solution uniqueness of the estimation problem, are examined. The ensemble square root filter (EnSRF) is employed for model state estimation. Sensitivity experiments show that the errors in the microphysical parameters have a larger impact on model microphysical fields than on wind fields; radar reflectivity observations are therefore preferred over those of radi...

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