Binaural interaction in the lateral superior olive: time difference sensitivity studied in mouse brain slice.

1. The sensitivity of lateral superior olive (LSO) neurons to interaural time differences was examined in an in vitro brain slice preparation. Brain slices, 400-500 microns, were taken through the superior olivary complex of C57 BL/6J mice and were maintained in an oxygenated saline solution for single-unit recording. Both extracellular and intracellular recordings were made with glass pipettes filled with 4 M potassium acetate. Responses were elicited by applying current pulses to the trapezoid body through bipolar stimulating electrodes located ipsilateral or contralateral to the olivary complex. Binaural interactions were studied by manipulating the timing and intensity of paired ipsilateral and contralateral pulses. 2. In extracellular recordings, stimulation of the ipsilateral trapezoid body usually elicited a single action potential, whereas stimulation of the contralateral trapezoid body failed to produce a spike response. Bilateral stimulation resulted in the complete suppression of the evoked spike, indicating the presence of a contralateral inhibitory effect. The degree of inhibition depended on the interpulse interval between ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation. With sufficiently large ipsilateral lead times, the probability of eliciting an extracellular spike was 1.0. As the interpulse interval was gradually shifted to reduce the ipsilateral lead time, the response probability precipitously dropped to 0.0. Most neurons could be completely suppressed by simultaneous stimulation. The dynamic range, defined as the range of interpulse intervals over which response probability changed from 0.9 to 0.1, was between 125 and 225 microseconds for most cells tested. 3. With increasing contralateral lead times, the extracellularly recorded spike was eventually released from inhibition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)