The Point is to Change it: Geographies of Hope and Survival in an Age of Crisis

Introduction: The Point Is To Change It: Noel Castree, Paul Chatterton, Nik Heynen, Wendy Larner and Melissa W. Wright 1 Now and Then: Michael J. Watts 2 The Idea of Socialism: From 1968 to the Present-day Crisis: Hugo Radice 3 The Revolutionary Imperative: Neil Smith 4 To Make Live or Let Die? Rural Dispossession and the Protection of Surplus Populations: Tania Murray Li 5 Postneoliberalism and Its Malcontents: Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore and Neil Brenner 6 D/developments after the Meltdown: Gillian Hart 7 Is the Globalization Consensus Dead?: Robert Wade 8 The Uses of Neoliberalism: James Ferguson 9 Crisis, Continuity and Change: Neoliberalism, the Left and the Future of Capitalism: Noel Castree 10 Money Games: Currencies and Power in the Contemporary World Economy: John Agnew 11 Pre-Black Futures: Katharyne Mitchell 12 The Shape of Capitalism to Come: Paul Cammack 13 Who Counts? Dilemmas of Justice in a Postwestphalian World: Nancy Fraser 14 The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the 21st Century: Erik Swyngedouw 15 An Economic Ethics for the Anthropocene: J. K. Gibson-Graham and Gerda Roelvink Index